Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Checking In

I have not felt like blogging much. I've been trying to soak in my girls and be thankful for what I have in the midst of all this drama.

But, I wanted to pop in and give you a quick update.

We were submitted to superior court for approval on December 21st and it will likely take a couple months for it to go through. The ban on adoptions in his country, so far, have not delayed our process at all. We are hoping and praying that we will be allowed to continue. We will hopefully know more this week or next.

The only thing this has affected so far is our fundraising (and my sanity). But I trust that The Lord will provide as He has already to bring him home.

Please pray for all of the families in process. Especially those who are choosing to travel for gotcha trips in this uncertainty. Pray for the children who need families. And pray for the hearts of politicians, that their hearts will be broken for the children.


  1. I've been following your journey and my heart just breaks for you and Nico and all the children and families involved. I will keep praying that the injustice may be reversed and that you won't lose faith!

  2. Praying for Nico and for your family to be joined together soon!


"If you can't say somethin' nice... don't say nothin' at all..." ~Thumper