Sunday, February 24, 2013

We are...


Now, this doesn't mean much of anything since Nico's country hates us. But it's progress and one last thing I have to worry about. I am having a rough time with emotions right now, so please pray for me and Nico. I'm not sure anyone can understand how much I love this boy unless you've felt it yourself.

We're not giving up, baby boy. We love you so much.



  1. Sending you LOTS of hugs, LOTS of love, and LOTS of prayers for dear Nico. What a beautiful child. I know that you are hurting right now but please know that I just think the world of you and your family for continuing the journey to bring this little sweet boy home. Just keeping Swimming! ♥


"If you can't say somethin' nice... don't say nothin' at all..." ~Thumper