Friday, May 24, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---

This has been a rough week, emotionally. We are fully funded for the adoption, which is such a huge blessing. But we have hit a huge delay (FBI is SLOW!), which means we will likely not be able to travel until winter.

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Tomorrow we go for our USCIS fingerprints. So at least that will be done.

--- 3 ---

A friend of mine is selling shirts to benefit 3 Chinese orphanages and could really use some sales! Check out these nice and comfy shirts, and buy a couple!

--- 4 ---

So sorry for the delay on drawing the winners for our Disney giveaway! I promise that as soon as the money shows up in our FSP, we will draw! I can't wait!!

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Check out this wonderful blog post by my amazing friend JoAnna, who just found out her baby (due the same week as our baby), has club feet.

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Coldstone HQ has free ice cream events now and then for training and charity, and we went yesterday! It was tasty! The girls were *SO* hyper afterwards, though.

--- 7 ---

Next week is the last week of school! EEK!! I am not ready for the looooooong summer!!

Happy Memorial Day weekend! Remember to pray for those who have lost their lives fighting for our freedom, and their families and friends who miss them.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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