Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We had our first ever Christmas at home, instead of going to be with the rest of my family like usual. It made me a little sad, but we are "cocooning" with Maks until he is bonded, so it was needed. 

We woke up bright and early when I heard the floor in the livingroom creaking. It was Lilykins. I gathered her back into my room and we got everyone else up. 

"Mommy, Santa brought me the doll I wanted!" - Lily. 

You do not know joy until you experience a Christmas morning with 6 beautiful kiddos, including a former orphan who has likely never gotten a Christmas present before. 

We went to mass after we had breakfast, then we came home and Kyle made a turkey on the grill, I made all the fixings, and we had a chaotic evening of playing with the new toys. Mommy and daddy were asleep just after the kids. 

We are richly blessed. Merry Christmas. 


  1. Looks like a wonderful day! Can't wait to meet Maks once your cocooning period is over!

  2. Looks like Maks got the hang of opening presents! I'm so glad his "first" Christmas went well. I can't believe your girls are so big! YAY for a great Christmas! :)


"If you can't say somethin' nice... don't say nothin' at all..." ~Thumper