Thursday, August 29, 2013

7 Quick Takes

1. Bear with me. I am in a rotten mood. This week has been amazingly bad. 

2. I realized last week that my belly had shrunk and was hyper vigilant about watching for leaking fluid all weekend. Saturday I was convinced I was leaking for a while and then was convinced otherwise, so I didn't go in. But, by Monday, I wasn't feeling right, so I went into ob triage. In a crazy storm. They ran all the tests and the u/s did show I was low on fluid, but the tests said I wasn't leaking. I think the tests were wrong and I am leaking. 

2. Tuesday I went for a second opinion at a different hospital and my water had gone up a bit but is still low but the tests are still saying I'm not leaking. 

3. Wednesday I had a follow up appt with my dr and then another u/s and non stress test. Water is still low. They try to convince me I might be dehydrated. I know I'm not. 

4. I caught the girls' cold. 

5. So, now we wait and if I get a fever, if I feel like I'm leaking (which I do, but I know it's futile to try to convince them of that), the baby stops moving as much, or anything else goes wrong, I go back to the hospital. 

6. Any good news, you say? Meh. I say. Our transition back into school isn't going well with Amelia. She's "forgetting" to do homework and I've been sick or dealing with this pregnancy stuff and everything is just falling apart. It worries me about what will happen when we travel to pick up "Colton." 

7. Please just pray for us. I have no energy left and even my normal day to day stuff is suffering. I can barely bring myself to cook, let alone clean, and we're not ready for baby, if he comes early. 

I made a new guessing game, the other one broke:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why knowing your body and taking belly pics during pregnancy is not vanity

33 weeks on left and 34 on right. 

Notice a difference? Yeah, I shrunk. Which is alarming, to say the least. 

I went to OB triage last night and the AFI ultrasound showed that he's very low on water. But, I'm not leaking, supposedly, so I'm not sure where his fluid went. I'm to be at home on bed rest (ha!) and drink as much as I can. 

I'm concerned about the baby and do not think I should be home. I also have issue with the way the nurses treated me last night, but whatever. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and if his fluid isn't up by then, we'll see what will happen. 

Please pray for my little guy. And me, that I don't go on some momma bear rampage. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

1. I blogged last night about the first week of school and forgot to get my Quick Takes ready!

2. My school princesses:

3. We are VERY close to getting our travel dates. I'm anxious and super excited today. I can't wait to get packed and ready! 

4. I had my 34 week appt on Weds. Samuel is doing great. He's our biggest baby so far (45th percentile), which I am crediting to all the prayers specifically for a big baby. On my side bar, you can take a guess at what his stats will be. I've never had a baby bigger than 6#15oz, so we'll see of he can beat his sisters! My doctor doesn't think I'll make it to October, but I'm hoping he will. Even if it's just Oct 1st. 

5. We will be launching a brief fundraising campaign for my travel companion for the 2nd half of my trip (after hubby leaves), soon. I was originally going to do it all alone, but with Samuel coming, I don't want to overdo it. 

6. This summer has been really rough in a lot of ways. I'm trying to keep a positive and prayerful attitude, but it's been hard. I think my friends are tired of my constant whining. My uncle passed away on the 14th, surrounded by family. I was blessed to be there when it happened and was able to kiss him goodbye. I will post about it more later, but right now, I'm just trying to keep my emotions in check with all that is going on in my life lately. 

7. Hope you all have a great weekend. I feel like I standing at the top of a hill, about to roll off, with the feeling that I won't stop until sometime in mid 2014. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Week of School! (We survived!!)

Monday was my two big girls' first day of school!

2nd grade!
About to go in!
First desk!! 
About to go in!
Pretty little lady. 

Our week is done now, since they only have 4 day school weeks. We're still adjusting, but I am a person that loves a schedule, and I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. I'm so grateful they are at this school where they belong!

I'll update more later, sorry I've been MIA. It's been a crazy month. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Hi all. Sorry about my last post. We had a rough week, and although everything is pretty much the same, I'm dealing. We're getting a new battery for my Suburban today, and we're saving for tires. My uncle is still hanging on, and I've spent a lot of time with my family, so that's been hard, but nice. The drama died down, so it hasn't been too stressful.

Yesterday was my hubby's birthday. He doesn't really care much about his birthdays, which makes it hard on me, because I want to do something for him, but he doesn't care, so why? LOL. He had to work anyway, so the girls drew him pictures and we will make a special meal for him this weekend.

I had my 32 week appt on Wednesday, and didn't gain anything in 2 weeks. Stress eating and all. My body is *so* weird. I have to schedule a growth ultrasound for August 21st, to check up on him, and then will have my next checkup. I am hoping they're like, "Oh my word, he is gigantic!!" Because I really want a large baby this time around. I know that sounds odd to all of you, but my babies average a measly 6 lbs, and since this one will be a little world traveler at the ripe ol' age of 5 weeks or so, I want him to be as hearty as possible!! I'm praying for at least 7 lbs. Which is still a tiny, tiny baby.

The big girls start school in a little over 2 weeks, and they've somehow lost one of their ties. They need 2 ties each and I had 6, but we're down to 3. I'm a tad frustrated. I still need to buy school supplies, but I had thought they were all set for their uniforms. If I have to drive all the way down there just to buy an $11 tie, I'll be a little upset.

Ok, this makes me laugh. And laugh... and laugh...

I just want to put a quick shout out for all of my online buddies. Since we've started the adoption process, I have never gotten so much wonderful mail. I've gotten sweet notes, boxes of goodies for the boys, goodies for the girls, gift cards, and lots of other things. I really appreciate all the support, and I'm so thankful for not only those things, but the emotional support through all of this.

I don't have anything else to say. I need to get in the shower and get busy with my day. Costco day... for the 2nd day in a row. Woot woot!

Happy weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week from you know where.

I need to vent this all out, so please bear with me. 

Last Sunday we all got ready for mass as usual and piled into the car. Only to have it not start. We need a new battery, apparently. Kyle was able to jump it, but by the time that all happened, we were too late for mass. I've been driving on battery fumes for this whole week. 

It's also been making weird sounds when I turn, so I took it to discount tire and they checked over the tires. We need new tires too. 

If you're running a tally, we're up to needing about $700 just for the car, which we don't have right now. 

That same day, I get a call from my grandma that my uncle is being sent to hospice after being in the hospital for a few days. 

I spent each evening and as much other time as possible this week with my family. There has been a lot of drama but a lot of beautiful times too. Uncle Is still hanging on. I'm exhausted, but I'm sure most everyone else in my family is far more exhausted, so I can't complain much about that. 

My kids were up late each night I was gone this week, which really caught up with them yesterday and they were horrible. 

Friday I went to get our money orders for rent and something glitched in their system and charged me, but didn't give me the money orders. So I had to leave the store, after they and my bank said they couldn't do anything right away, with no money and no money orders. Luckily, it was fixed the next morning and the store paid my late rent fees. 

Woke up this morning to the baby saying "here go, mommy. Sorry..." She busted my glasses. Again. So, now I'm in need of new ones, new tires, a new battery, and all while a relative is dying. 

Pray for me, cuz the devil is laughing, I'm sure. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

1. This has been a really rough week. My uncle was moved to hospice and my entire family has been there. There have been many beautiful moments, but also some drama. We all need your prayers, especially my uncle, of course. 

2. On top of that situation, our Suburban needs a new battery and a new set of tires ASAP. This does not make me happy. 

3. It is looking like we'll receive our travel dates right around my 38 week mark, which is going to be interesting, to say the least. We have to delay, which means another notarization and apostille, which is a lot of errands to do when you're that huge. So, we'll see how that goes. 

4. Dude. The Bachelorette was insane this week. I think Brooks doesn't really even leave to begin with, they just made it look like he did. I think they will continue their relationship without an engagement. Which is actually way more "normal" and healthy, IMO anyway. 

5. The girls start school in a couple weeks and we're getting excited! Their uniforms are just about ready to go, and I'm going to pick up school supplies next week. 

6. Hubby's birthday is next week and I'm always at a loss of what to do for him. We can't afford to go out, so I usually cook him a special meal, but since I don't eat beef, and I usually try to make him a steak or something, a lot of times it doesn't turn out right. He works that day, more than likely, so I really dunno what to do. Ideas? He's not big on sweets, beer, anything... Lol

7. I am going to head to Costco this weekend to pick up goodies to donate to the hospice center. My grandma asked me to. They said they love to receive good donations because they like to feed the families. Wouldn't that be a nice way to help in your own community? Taking baked goods or other things to your nearest hospice would be warmly appreciated, I bet. 

Happy weekend. I need a nap.