Friday, April 25, 2014

7 Quick Takes

I am a horrible blogger lately! To say I'm busy is an understatement. We have some sort of stomach bug going around our house right now and it is not pretty. I had to reschedule Maks' evaluation with the school district for July. :(

Soooo, Happy Easter! We had a pretty good Lent. I didn't fail too miserably at my Lenten sacrifices, and I feel like the big girls are really starting to understand Lent and Easter well. We had fun at a big party on Easter Sunday after mass.

My kids are ridiculously cute.

Is anyone doing the Divine Mercy Novena? I failed. BUT, I am so excited for this upcoming Divine Mercy Sunday and the canonization of two great men, but especially Pope John Paul II. I have rosary beads that my grandma gave to me that were blessed by him, so I guess I have a relic! :) Pope John Paul II was a huge part of my conversion. Even before I was Catholic, I loved seeing him on TV and reading about him in magazines. He did so many wonderful things and the world was so lucky to have him.

Not too many people know that PJPII is one of the saints I asked for prayers from during our entire adoption process. So he really holds a special place in my heart, especially now that Maks is home safe, and I have to believe that he is still praying for our sweet Nico.

I love this photo of him:

Prayer request #1: Our littlest girl is having an allergy scratch test on May 1st, and I'd appreciate some prayers. She's a spunky little thing and I'm afraid it will be hard on her and she will freak. And please pray that her allergies are something easy to avoid (ie: not wheat or something like that!!)

Prayer request #2: Maks' tonsillectomy is officially scheduled for June 9th. I am so scared! I know it has to be done, but that doesn't make it any easier. Please pray for his comfort and healing and for my momma's heart as I prepare. I've never had a kiddo have surgery before, and I know I'm a wuss, but I'd really appreciate it.

I need to start planning some summer activities for the kids. The big girls are going to VBS for a week, but that's all I've got... We will go absolutely crazy if we don't keep busy, but it will take some work to do that on a budget!

I am so excited about Jen Fulwiler's new book coming out next week. I'm hoping I can get out of my funk and actually finish the book so I can discuss it with people!! Her blog (the one this post links to) has been amazing for my faith journey. I just can't wait to read the book!

Happy weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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