Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Major Blessings!

As we await the last two bits of mail (our finalized homestudy, and our rental agreement form), some AMAZING things have happened this week...

Sunday night I posted a stroller on Facebook asking that if anyone local found one second hand to PLEASE let me know. I am going to have to travel with an extra carseat to get "Truman," and my current single stroller has no way of attaching a baby carseat... so I needed something to do that. Someone I do not even know said, "Kara, Do you want this stroller? PM me your address and Liam Nation will have it shipped to you!" I was in shock. What?! I don't need a new stroller. I don't deserve such an amazing gift! WOW!!! Sure enough, this wonderful woman sent me a beautiful and brand new stroller and travel case for Truman. I am so blessed!!

Monday morning I woke up, checked my FSP and decided that $10 would be my goal. I just wanted it to read $3400... I worked on some things after I posted that request, and then right before I was about to finish up my work and leave the computer, I checked the FSP again. GASP... TEAR!! WHAT?! Our FSP DOUBLED...??? Amazing. Speechless. In Awe of a complete stranger and an awesome God who provides for us.

Today I had a meeting with a friend who has been helping me fundraise and spread the word. She is also hosting our BBQ event at her lovely home in April. When I got home, I checked the FSP. And it had jumped $2,000!! WHAT AGAIN?! Good grief, my heart can't handle all of this!! Another stranger. Another gift. Another nod from God.

The mountains melted like wax, at the presence of the Lord: at the presence of the Lord of all the earth. Psalm 97:5

You all play a part in this miraculous journey. They prayers, the small donations. the large donations, the shares. ALL of it means so much to us. We could not do it without you.

Thank you. And thank Our Lord, who is likely up in heaven giggling at me for doubting in the first place.



  1. Woohoo! I love to hear about God's awesome provision!

  2. So fantastic! You'll probably break $10,000 by the end of the week!


"If you can't say somethin' nice... don't say nothin' at all..." ~Thumper