Friday, May 31, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday!

--- 1 ---
Yesterday was the last day of school for our biggest girl! I'm always a little in shock at each milestone. I officially have a 2nd grader and a Kindergartner now.

--- 2 ---

Our littlest one (outside of the womb), has been sick this week. She gets "sick with style," as I call it, and really freaked me out. I took her to the ER, and they looked at me like I was insane, gave her Motrin, and sent us home. Whatever!! I'm not messing around with sickness with her, after she got severely dehydrated last year and had to spend a night in the hossy. She's feeling a bit better now, but she's still not 100%.

--- 3 ---

We should have USCIS approval by next week! Just waiting on FBI clearances, again... and then we will submit. FINALLY!

--- 4 ---

My glasses broke this morning and I don't have a spare pair. I am not happy, this is the second time they've broken in a month. This time I don't have the money to fix them. Guess I'll be staying home.

--- 5 ---
An online friend of mine, Rebecca, who blogs over at, has written a book about homeschooling!! I'm betting it's amazing, since she's amazing and witty. But I have a hard time reading books lately, so I haven't read it. But seriously, it's on sale right now for an actual book, and you can get it on Kindle, too!! Check it out!

--- 6 ---

I love Bl. Mother Teresa. I will never, ever understand people that are out to criticize her or spread lies about her. If you think you are more holy than Bl. Mother Teresa, I think you *may* have a problem.

--- 7 ---

This "baby" girl is TEN, folks. She is tied to her crib because the nannies can't stand her getting into to things, you know, exploring like a child does. She needs OUT. 

Can you help? Pray, share, donate, or maybe you are her mommy?

Happy summer!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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"If you can't say somethin' nice... don't say nothin' at all..." ~Thumper